Fidget to Focus

Outwit Your Boredom: Sensory Strategies for Living with ADD

Crocheting Helps Keep My Mouth Shut!

I crochet everywhere. If my hands have a hook and yarn in them I can sit through college classes, lectures, church services, or anything. Not only do I just sit (an accomplishment in itself), I can listen and tune into what a speaker is saying AND keep my mouth shut. This accomplishments could be on the top ten miracles list!

Also, I’ve noticed less behavior problems in classes when you give add kids either playdough, a small rope and illustrations on “how to tie knots, paper to do oragami–any thing to keep their hands occupied. They seem to remember more and participate appropriately when they can do something.

- Jeannie (from email)

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1 Comment so far

  1. Kris November 4th, 2008 9:07 pm

    I knit my way through concerts, meetings, classes. A dear friend also knits. We don’t often look at our hands, but feel more focussed. When I was taking a series of teleclasses, I’d often lose some focus, trying to keep up with the notes. Then a wonderful instructor asked me “Do you have your fiber work?” From that point forward, my grades and concentration went UP

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